Well I think we saw as much of Tassie as we possibly could have done in a month. From the spectacular scenery at the edge of the world in the west to the white sands of the Eastern beaches. From the North coast and its Little Penguins to the capital Hobart and the bays of the South. I will probably remember the Englishness of the towns and villages, the convict stories and the wildlife. Jonathan will probably remember the many happy hours he spent fly fishing in the lakes and rivers of the Central Highlands and seeing the Southern Lights. The Tasmanian locals were all very friendly and there seemed to be a lot of Queenslanders there.
Winston coped very well with the 9 hour crossing again although we couldn’t help worrying about him. We watched the movie ‘Kingsman The Golden Circle’ in the onboard cinema which was very entertaining, especially the Elton John scenes.
Victoria was being hit by a deluge but luckily Melbourne had escaped the worst of it. Even so it was an unpleasant drive in the rain from the Port to Geelong. We were soon warm again and settled down to watch the Rugby League World Cup.