We couldn’t do the Gibb River Road of course in our campervan so we headed off down the Great Northern Highway towards Broome.
We took a short detour up to Wyndham, which is the most northerly town in Western Australia. It was worth visiting to drive up to the Five Rivers Lookout. The Rivers Ord, Forrest, King, Durack and Pentecost enter the Cambridge Gulf here. The Port of Wyndham services the cattle industry and the huge cattle yards can also clearly be seen from the lookout.
Wyndham also has a big crocodile in the main street.
The first part of the highway was very scenic with ranges and interesting rock formations. We’ve been impressed by the free overnight camps in WA too. They’re off the highway, well maintained, have toilets, dump points, bins and are generally in scenic spots.

The next part of the highway from Fitzroy Crossing only had boab trees and termite mounds for scenery. A couple of the boab trees were very impressive though.

There were also a lot of unfenced cattle we had to be wary of, as on more than one occasion we’ve seen a driver and a cow that have come to grief.